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Measures The State Railway Bureau Adopts to Stimulate The Market Vitality of Railway Industry

The State Railway Bureau has conscientiously implemented the requirements of the central government to push forward the reform of the management system of “streamline administration, delegate more powers to lower-level government and society, improve regulation and optimize services “, in order to reduce and standardize administrative licensing as the starting point and speed up the transformation of functions. The original Ministry of Railways 25 administrative examination and approval reduced to 6, the approval of the product catalog from 148 to 40, approval procedures, declarations and other materials continue to streamline optimization, establish and improve the random sampling of licensed equipment, product quality checks, supervision and inspection information In the post-regulatory system, and strive to optimize services for enterprises to reduce the burden, to stimulate the enterprise market-oriented business vitality. In the first half of this year, according to the State Council decentralization of key work arrangements, the State Railway Bureau to further intensify the reform of management, one is to streamline and optimize the administrative examination and approval procedures for the railway, the organization of the licensing materials to sort out one by one, the abolition of the basic railway transport equipment The approval of the production enterprises unnecessary certification materials; revision of the administrative licensing procedures and work procedures to strengthen the construction of the permit window, regulate the licensing review, to provide convenient services for enterprises to actively track the progress of new railway equipment development, in-depth West, Master the standardization of the EMU test situation, for the follow-up permission review fully prepared. At present, 283 railway rolling stock and transportation infrastructure equipment have been approved by the State Railway Bureau, of which 60 are high-speed railway equipment license enterprises, accounting for 21% of the total number of enterprises; 33 are private enterprises, accounting for 11.6% of the total. Carefully organized to do locomotive driver qualification examination, the first half of a total of 19,372 drivers qualified qualifications.
The second is for all types of social capital to participate in railway construction and operation to provide fair access conditions and a good policy environment, the first half of the total of 37 transport enterprises to apply for permission, including non-state-owned holding and private-owned enterprises 6. The organization of the railway regulations and regulatory documents to conduct a comprehensive clean-up, announced the abolition of the original Ministry of Railways 9 and Jane decentralization of the spirit of reform does not match the spirit of the document.
The third is to strengthen supervision after the event, the establishment of “double random, an open” regulatory mechanism. The State Railway Bureau of the existing 325 law enforcement officers, in accordance with the comprehensive, security, transport, equipment, engineering, five types of supervision business classification, the professional establishment of the State Railway Bureau and the Regional Railway Authority two levels of law enforcement inspectors directory. When the inspection is carried out, the inspectors shall be randomly selected from the list of law enforcement inspectors. Each inspector shall be no less than two, and if the experts are to be configured, experts shall be randomly selected from the experts of the State Railway Bureau in accordance with the principle of avoidance. To strengthen the supervision of equipment enterprises in the matter after the event, Yaohao to determine the list of enterprises to be tested, to develop supervision and inspection plans, clear inspection content, basis, procedures and work requirements, regular release supervision and inspection briefing. Strengthen the EMU and communication signals, turnout, traction power supply equipment such as high-speed rail permits the use of product quality supervision and spot checks on the sampling failed to study the proposed disposal of the views and briefing, supervision and responsibility of corporate rectification in place.
In recent days, the State Railway Bureau held a meeting to strengthen the exchange of high-speed rail safety and quality supervision and the first half of the Security Committee, Bureau of party secretary, director Lu Dongfu further stressed: the combination of railway reality, deepening “tube service” reform, reflected in the reduction of railway administration Approval, reflected in the supervision of the new system of new mechanisms to explore, reflected in the legal system and the construction of the standard system. First, start from the source, and further clean up the relevant regulatory standards and policy documents, more prominent safety and quality requirements, do not comply with the spirit of the reform, the abolition should be resolutely repealed, the modification should be revised, New documents to strengthen the legitimacy of the review, listen to the views of the parties. Second, adhere to the “Jane” the word to take the lead, continue to streamline and optimize the administrative licensing procedures, and resolutely cut off those unnecessary red tape, the focus has always been to strengthen the safety and quality supervision. Investment in construction and operation of railway enterprises, to provide policy and regulatory support for the transport business license to provide convenient services. Third, adhere to security objectives, and strengthen the matter after the supervision. Directly related to the safety of life and property of the public safety equipment and enterprises, in strict accordance with the procedural permission access, still in accordance with the provisions of supervision enterprises to continue to meet the licensing conditions, supervision and inspection program implementation and implementation of “double random, an open” Combined to improve things in the after-event supervision of the relevance and effectiveness. Fourth, advancing with the times, innovative regulatory methods and means. To establish a cross-sectoral, cross-regional response mechanism for law enforcement linkage to achieve coordinated supervision; the establishment of market integrity of the file, the industry blacklist system and the establishment of information technology and information technology, Market exit mechanism, seriously handle complaints from the masses, give full play to the role of social supervision and supervision of public opinion, the implementation of credit supervision

Measures The State Railway Bureau Adopts to Stimulate The Market Vitality of Railway Industry