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Equipment Inspection Before Use Of Electric Locomotive Is Indispensable

Before using the mine electric locomotives for work, we must carry out a comprehensive equipment inspection on the electric locomotive. The next step can be carried out only after the inspection is qualified. Let's talk about how to carry out equipment inspection on the electric locomotive.

1. When conducting equipment inspection and maintenance, the driver and co driver must communicate with each other and check that there are no unsafe factors affecting the operation around the mine electric locomotives before starting work.

2. It is necessary to check whether various tools, commonly used consumables, and spare parts on the locomotive are fully prepared and in good condition, and whether various safety protection equipment such as insulated gloves, insulated boots, insulated pull rods, and wheel stoppers are complete and meet the usage requirements. It is prohibited to use defective safety protection equipment.

3. Each shift should ensure inspection and maintenance time (cumulative time): 60 minutes for 80 ton locomotives; A 150 ton locomotive takes 90 minutes.

4. When inspecting vehicles, the inspector must exchange the inspection license plate for a work license plate, and the driver is not allowed to move the automatic valve handle without authorization. During the test, the driver and inspection personnel must make contact and confirm, and call for a response. The driver is prohibited from driving until the no movement signal is removed.

5. When testing the brake, adjusting the brake stroke, or replacing the brake shoes, it is necessary to make contact and confirmation on and off the vehicle, and call for a response.

6. When using high-pressure air to blow the mine electric locomotives, pay attention to the air pressure, especially when blowing electrical components. The air pressure should be controlled, and high-pressure air with water should not be used to blow electrical components and motors.

7. During winter inspection and maintenance, it is necessary to check whether the brake shoes and driving wheels are frozen; Check and handle the sanding effect and pressure regulating action; Use alcohol spray to spray alcohol to prevent motor and electrical components from freezing and causing poor effect.

Equipment Inspection Before Use Of Electric Locomotive Is Indispensable