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Maintenance problem of dowty retarder marshalling line

The deceleration item is installed on the steel rail to perform work, and the basis of its work is the steel rail. But the top plan of the dowty retarder. That is, the number and density of a certain section of the marshalling line depend on the longitudinal section of the marshalling line, that is, the slope of each section of the line. Both theory and practice have proved that the speed control system of the dowty retarder is very closely related to the longitudinal section of the line. It can also be said that one of the important basis for the design of the design of the dowty retarder is the longitudinal section of the line, or that the longitudinal section of the line is adjusted by the retarder group. The basis of good work in car operation. When designing the design of the dowty retarder, always calculate the number of cloth tops and the density of the cloth tops according to the original longitudinal section of the line or the adjusted longitudinal section. Under this condition, decelerate The work done by the top can meet the kinetic energy requirements of the rolling vehicle on the ramp, otherwise the vehicle will overspeed or stop on the way, which will make the shunting operation impossible, which will affect the safe connection rate and the efficiency of the hump.

In fact, after a period of time, under the action of locomotives and vehicles, the longitudinal section of the line gradually changes, especially the impact of the deployment. We have seen in many marshalling stations that the Ministry of Works has not maintained the lines of the marshalling station for a long time, even if the maintenance is very incomplete. It can be clearly seen with the eyes that the level and height of the line are very bad. The rails are twisted and crooked, the rails are crawling seriously, and "triangular pits" can be seen everywhere. The line is not in the state when the dowty retarder was originally designed. So people suspect that the braking power of the dowty retarder is small (or greater), or the number of dowty retarder is less (or more), causing the rolling vehicle to overspeed or stop on the way. In fact, to a large extent, it is Caused by changes in the longitudinal section of the line.

Maintenance problem of dowty retarder marshalling line

Maintenance problem of dowty retarder marshalling line